Dr. Henry Paul, MD

Psychiatrist, Author and Educator


June 29th, 2015

31257327_sIt is estimated that 76 million Americans, or over 40 percent of the adult population in the United States, have been exposed to alcoholism in their family. More disturbing is that one in five Americans lived with an alcoholic parent while growing up. Alcoholic parents are demonstrably lacking in basic parenting skills. Diseases like alcoholism will affect an entire family. What may have started out as occasional drinks with friends has turned into a full-blown problem. Alcoholism is a disease and needs to be treated like one.

Alcoholism in families induces violent behavior, abnormal mood swings, financial strain, and continuous fighting. Often co-morbid psychiatric illnesses develop, too. Sadly, alcoholism tends to run in families with children of alcoholics four times more likely to become alcoholics than children of non-alcoholics. Some suspect a genetic factor while others emphasize the role of the family. The model the substance abusing parent sets clearly has an impact on a teenager.

Teenage children of alcoholics are also more likely to turn to drugs. Usually, they turn to drugs because of a lack of parental intervention. The parent is too involved with her addiction to be able to support good choices with her teenagers. Often parents don’t even realize that their addiction adversely affects their children and they certainly don’t realize how difficult it is on their kids.

Children of alcoholics are more likely to be the victims of abuse, and more will witness family violence. They also exhibit symptoms of depression and anxiety more frequently than the children of parents who do not abuse drugs and alcohol. Difficulties in school are very common, even though this usually does not indicate any lack of intellectual ability. The lack of healthy stimulation in the home is implicated in the teen’s academic problems. Children of alcoholics are more likely to drop out of school, repeat grades, be truant, or be referred for behavioral problems to school counselors or psychologists.

This blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


June 22nd, 2015

40346551_sSnapChat is a video messaging application that allows users to take photos, record videos and add text and drawings to messages that they send to their personal lists. The appeal? These conversations are disposable and temporary. The fact that the message “self-destructs” after seconds is what is so appealing to teenagers. How appealing? According to Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel, he said at the 2013 All Things D Dive into Mobile conference that “…there are about 150 million photos shared via Snapchat daily.” Wow! And that was in 2013!

Snapchat is all about pictures and conversations. Snapchat always starts with a “flash.” Simply, you take a picture. You add text. You set how long before the picture self-destructs – between one to ten seconds. You choose recipients from your private list. You hit send!

But, something that appears so simple has raised a lot of questions and concerns for parents and educators. Social media is a parents’ greatest online fear. We all know that bullying, sexting, sexual predators are just some of the dangers that immediately come to mind when we think about kids and social media. In response to the growing concerns, Snapchat created the Snapchat Safety Center. I highly recommend that you check it out.

Parents should be aware that in accordance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) that the minimum age for using Snapchat is 13 years old. If a child younger than 13 tries to access the system (assuming they put in their real birth date), they will be redirected to a kid’s version called SnapKidz. This allows the users to save their photos only to their devices and doesn’t allow for them to send them.

40187911_sTeenagers are drawn to Snapchat because of its ease of use and the fact that the photos do NOT live online forever. Something that not only teens, but all of us should think about when posting online. Never assume that something has truly vanished forever. Reports stemming back to 2013 confirm that you CAN retrieve deleted Snapchat’s on Android devices. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Look, I always recommend to parents to keep the line of communication open with their kids. So, talk with your kids about Snapchat. Let them know that you know about it and that you have concerns about their safety. Talk with them about what is appropriate to “snap” and what isn’t. Let them know they should report inappropriate use that they see (i.e. bullying, sexting, etc.) either to you or to a school official or another adult they trust. As much as it is fun to “live in the moment” there are precautions to take.

For more on safe guidelines for Snapchat visit A Parent’s Guide to Snapchat.  Here is also a link to COPPA and links to the Forbes stories that explain both SnapChat and SnapKidz.

What is Snapchat and Why do Kids Love it and Parents Fear It?  Forbes 2013

Snapchat Creates SnapKidz — A Sandbox For Kids Under 13 Forbes 2013


This blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.



June 12th, 2015

23564752_sThere are a lot of club drugs being used on the Rave dance scene. As a parent it is important to know what a Rave is (click here for more on that) and what drugs are available at Raves and the dangers of them. Rave clubs seem to be attracting adolescents and young adults in their mid-to-late 20’s to a place where there is plenty of dangerous substances and drugs. For a list of those drugs you can click here. Read on for the signs that your teenager may have taken club drugs and what you should do.

Signs that your teenager or loved one is using club drugs include:

  • Severe memory problems
  • Pronounced lack of coordination
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Chills and sweating
  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Bizarre speech or behavior
  • Fainting

What to do:

  • Most important is to let your teen know that you are informed about these drugs and let them know what the dangers are in detail.
  • Make sure you have a way to contact your teen when they go to a club, party or rave. Call them at regular intervals and set a curfew. Know where your child is going and with whom.
  • If your teen returns and appears to be under the influence of any drug, don’t scold but instead monitor the symptoms closely and if the symptoms appear to be severe seek medical help.
  • If drug use continues seek therapeutic and/or drug counseling. These drugs can be addictive.

Here is a link to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. There are also drug and substance abuse coalitions in many communities throughout the United States. Here are a couple that I found informative:

© Power To The Parent
Metropolitan Drug Commission


June 10th, 2015

What substances are being used on the Rave dance scene? Rave clubs that seem to be attracting adolescents and young adults in their mid-to-late 20’s are known to be connected to a variety of substances and drugs. Here is a list of some of the most accessible and dangerous drugs often available at a rave.

4692114_sEcstasy is the most popular and well-known club drug. It is also referred to as “Molly”, E, X, “Adam” and “clarity”. It is a synthetic drug similar to amphetamines and mescaline (a hallucinogen). It both stimulates and causes psychedelic or hallucinogenic effects. It is most popular in a tablet or capsule form, and its effects typically last for three to six hours. It increases heart rate and blood pressure, and because it enables its user to dance all night, it often causes dehydration. Ecstasy can lead to heart and kidney disease, brain damage, and in rare cases can cause a marked muscle breakdown, high body temperature, heart attacks, strokes and seizures.

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is also known as “G”, liquid ecstasy, and “Georgia Homeboy”. It is a very common drug at Raves that is often made with mail-order ingredients. It is ingested as a liquid, powder, tablet or capsule. GHB is both a sedative and a euphoriant. This is a drug that effects the central nervous system causing its user to feel relaxed and sedated. At high levels, it can slow breathing and heart rate to dangerously low levels. Overdose with this drug can occur quickly and be fatal. GHB is often used with alcohol, and this can be a deadly combination.

Rohypnol, in the same family as Valium and Xanax, is known as the “forget me pill”.  It is usually taken orally and is easily slipped into drinks. Rohypnol is a popular date rape drug because it causes memory loss from the moment it is taken. It lowers blood pressure, causes dizziness and confusion, as well as urine retention.

Methamphetamine is known as speed, meth crystal, glass, “Tina” and “Chalk”. It is very common at Rave parties. It acts as a stimulant and causes memory loss, uncontrollable aggression and violence, psychosis and nerve damage. It is an extremely disinhibiting drug and its users frequently engage in unsafe sex that often exposes them to sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and Hepatitis C.

Ketamine, also known as “special k”, “vitamin K” and “new ecstasy” is also known as angel dust. It is similar to the dangerous drug PCP. It is sometimes snorted or smoked with marijuana or cigarettes. Some people inject it, too. It causes serious neurological, blood pressure and breathing problems.

LSD, familiar for decades, is also known as acid. It wreaks havoc with your perceptions, thoughts, and feelings. It is taken as a pill, liquid or on a saturated blotted paper. LSD can cause severe psychotic reactions that can last long afterwards.

I’ll discuss what to do if you suspect that your child is taking these drugs in my next blog.

My Teen Wants to Go to a Rave.  What’s a Rave?

This blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


June 5th, 2015

If you’ve got a teenager in the house than you need to know about “raves.” A rave party is typically an all-night, ear-splitting underground party that features electronic music. Ever heard of Daft Punk? Now Grammy Award winners, they got their start as a “rave” band.

23354899_sThese raves are held in places like warehouses, rental halls, barns, and open-air spaces where kids go crazy and, almost always, find drugs in abundance. The drugs available at raves may not be familiar to you, but they ought to be. Their effects are alarming and potentially life threatening.

The rave party phenomenon has been around for more than 20 years. It started in the UK and quickly spread to the US; particularly to the West Coast. It didn’t take long for it to spread across the country. The drugs offered at the raves primarily keep kids (yes, they are marketing to kids) energetic and dancing all night. Club drugs, as they are known, are dangerous, and parents need to know what they are and what the signs are that their kids may be taking them.

Most of the club drugs are made illegally, come from unknown sources, and are made with various mixes of unknown chemicals. On their own or mixed with alcohol and other drugs, they can be catastrophically toxic and sometimes fatal. Adding to their danger is that little is known about their toxicity making it difficult to treat overdoses.

Many of these drugs are colorless, odorless and tasteless posing a serious threat for young unsuspecting teens. Since some of these drugs cause amnesia, date rape and unrecalled sexual assault is one frequent outcome. Teens who take these drugs may often engage in risky sex that they don’t remember, and that exposes them to contracting sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and Hepatitis C.

Research has shown that club drugs have long-lasting effects on muscle tissue and the brain, especially memory functions. Combined with alcohol, as they often are at rave parties, their effects become potentially fatal. In 2013, there were four deaths linked to the club drug Molly. These deaths opened a nationwide dialogue about the use of illegal stimulants at concerts, raves and electronic dance music shows. It also shed some light on the music venues and the difficulties encountered by organizers to keep those substances out.

Last year, I wrote about the club drug Molly and its dangers. I will highlight some of the other drugs (cocaine, meth, LSD, etc.) that are popular with teens in my next blog. I’ll also discuss what to do if you suspect that your child is taking these drugs.

Learn more about Molly: 

Molly: Why the Club Drug is so Dangerous
Club Drug ‘Molly’ Eyed in Four Deaths
There’s Something about Molly

This blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.



June 3rd, 2015

“Today, mentally ill Americans are disproportionately more likely to be arrested, incarcerated, suffer solitary confinement or rape in prison and commit another crime once released.” (CNN, 5/27/2015 “Mental Illness is no crime” by Newt Gingrich & Van Jones)

I have written a lot in my blog about the many mental health disorders, or illnesses, that American’s face; particularly teens and young adults. Statistics are showing more and more that as we downsize our mental health programs, for whatever the reasons, we are making it more and more difficult for those who need treatment to get it. What they get instead is incarcerated, and that coupled with mental illness is a recipe for disaster.

Besides mental illness, today’s prisons are also housing prisoners that are substance abusers that have addictions to alcohol and drugs; including painkillers and heroin. So, how in America are we going to help these people get treatment if the answer is to put them in jail?

38487370_sThe debate over prisons goes as far back as 1990 when the New York Times first tackled the story, “Prisons Are Clearly Not the Answer to Crime.” The article said, “New York must develop a restorative model of justice that emphasizes helping people to conquer the problems that led them to commit street crimes, that they might lead constructive lives. Integrated and effective drug treatment, programs for mental health, job training and education must be available. Treatment slots must be just as available as prison beds.”

In 2014, I think every major news outlet ran a story about the shortage of beds to treat mental health patients. Virginia Senator Creigh Deeds brought national attention to the issue, but only after his son committed suicide in November 2013 after they couldn’t find a bed for him at a mental health facility. Gus Deeds, the valedictorian of his class, suffered from bipolar disorder.

According to the CNN article by Gingrich and Jones, a 2006 U.S. Department of Justice study found “that three out of four female inmates in state prisons, 64% of all people in jail, 56% of all state prison inmates and 45% of people in federal prison have symptoms or a history of mental disorder.”

They also state in the article that there are more mental health patients in the prisons than there are in the mental health facilities. That to me is startling! Gingrich and Jones suggest that a new initiative, “Stepping Up; A national initiative to reduce the number of mental health patients in prisons”, is a step in the right direction. I agree. The group unites state and local governments and the American Psychiatric Foundation to find answers. As long as we continue to incarcerate and not treat those with mental illness the problem will only get worse. With our prisons now bursting at the seams, it is the opportune time for change.

This blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.