This morning, almost every news outlet ran a story about the latest CDC study stating one in 68 children has Autism. Lenny Bernstein reported today in The Washington Post “To Your Health” section that “ The number of U.S. children with autism has surged to one in 68, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday, a 30 percent increase since the agency estimated just two years ago that one child in 88 suffered from the disorder.
The new estimate, based on a review of records in 2010 for eight year olds in 11 states, also showed a marked increase in the number of children with higher IQs who fall somewhere on the autism spectrum, and a broad range of results depending on where a child lives. Only one child in 175 was diagnosed with autism in Alabama, while one in 45 was found to have the disorder in New Jersey.”
What does all this mean to parents? First, if you suspect that your child may be on the spectrum [read my earlier blog this week on the signs of Autism] then you need to have your child seen by a professional who will make a diagnosis. You will also need to speak with the CSE (Committee on Special Education) at your child’s school to discuss testing. The testing will identify what support services the school will be able to offer your child through an Independent Education Plan, known as the IEP.
As frightening as this diagnosis may be for parents there are children on the autism spectrum that are able to lead productive lives. Many celebrated people have been diagnosed or are suspected of being on the autism spectrum. The best thing you can do is to learn about autism and be sure your child receives all the services available in your area.
The Signs of Autism — I Think My Child Might Be on The Spectrum
Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.