Dr. Henry Paul, MD

Psychiatrist, Author and Educator


April 26th, 2016

I was surprised by the latest CDC report out this week that showed suicide rates in the United States were at their highest level in three decades. The report released on Friday said that suicides have increased in the US to a rate of 13 per 100,000 people, the highest since 1986. The increase is particularly pronounced among middle-age white people who now account for a third of all US suicides.

45274094_sAccording to the CDC study, more than 14,000 middle-aged white people killed themselves in 2014, and the overall suicide rate rose by 24% from 1999 to 2014. Among white men ages 45 to 64, the rate increased 43% and increased 63% for women in the same age-range. The study did not venture to say what the causes might be for the increase, but I think we can surmise that mental health, substance abuse and difficult economic times have contributed.

The study also showed a jump in the suicides amongst girls between the ages of 10 to 14. From 1999 to 2015 the number tripled from 50 to 150. This number is still very low but the fact that it tripled is a concern.

The study did show a decline for two groups; black men and seniors over age 75.

Robert D Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, told the New York Times, “This is part of the larger emerging pattern of evidence of the links between poverty, hopelessness and health.”

The New York Times also reported that since they ran their story last week, they had gotten an overwhelming response. If you need to speak with someone for yourself or a friend or loved one you can call:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: No matter what problems you are dealing with they want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7. This is a confidential, free call.

Crisis Text Line: They serve anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support and information via the medium people already use and trust: text. According to their website this is how it works:

  1. Text 741-741 from anywhere in the USA, anytime, about any type of crisis.
  2. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds quickly.
    The volunteer Crisis Counselor will help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment
  3. As always, if this is an emergency and someone is in crisis you should call 911.

U.S. Suicide Rate Jumps to 30 Year High NY Times, April 2016
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Suicide is a Growing Epidemic in America Dr. Henry Paul Blog, November 2015

Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription.


November 13th, 2015

I wrote several blogs earlier this year about the suicide epidemic among teens in this country. In March, New York City School Chancellor Carmen Farina said that ten students in the New York City public school system had taken their own lives over a seven week period creating a “suicide epidemic” in our schools.

34091134_sWe now are dealing with a similar epidemic among active duty service members and veterans in this country. The Military Times reported in October that “suicides among active-duty service members rose by 20 percent in the second quarter of this year to 71, according to a new report released Wednesday by the Defense Department.”

Earlier this week, Roll Call reported that Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN),”called for action to address the issue of military suicide.” The Senator “noted that the annual defense authorization bill includes a ‘care package’ related to veterans’ mental health issues, which involves certifying practitioners who are veteran-friendly, providing training on suicide risk recognition and establishing an online registry of certified practitioners that veterans can access.”

In 2014, Donnelly’s bill known as the Jacob Sexton Military Suicide Prevention Act passed. It provided for annual mental health assessments for veterans. The Sexton Act is named after Indiana National Guardsman Jacob Sexton, who took his own life while home on a 15-day leave from Afghanistan.

Through his efforts Donnelly helped pass additional legislation relating to mental health care for service members and their families. Assessing suicide in the National Guard and the reserves and assessing suicide among military families were two key provisions. He also pushed to remove limits on mental health services. I have included a link below to read all of the provisions.

Suicide is a growing problem in this country.  It doesn’t discriminate.  Know the warning signs.  Here is a link to Real Warriors, Real Battles with a list of warning signs.  Below is a link to my blog with the warning signs for teens. Make sure to seek out professional advice if you think that a loved one is contemplating suicide.


Jacob Sexton Act & Provisions

The Warning Signs of Suicide

Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


March 17th, 2015

Suicide is every parent’s nightmare. On an ongoing basis, there are pressures in teenager’s lives that we know about, and we don’t know about. It’s never simple. In the case of 13 year-old Cayman Naib who was found near his home with a self-inflicted gunshot wound last week, I am sure there are a lot of questions that friends, teachers, and family are asking themselves.

According to the CNN story, Naib left shortly after receiving an email from the school about overdue homework. Most likely that was not the trigger for his suicide. As an adolescent psychiatrist, I know that these stories are usually far from complete. I believe there might have been signs of pre-suicidality that were missed. A suicide rarely happens out of the blue after an email about homework, although sometimes a suicide does appear to come out of nowhere. More often some social rejection or another stressor is present.

Psychological testing of all students is not practical, but the good education of teachers (see our recent blog) and parents to signs of depression or other mental disorders is best.

I think it needs to be pointed out that suicide does not discriminate. The best defense against these situations is knowledge, and the courage of parents to ask the right questions. Here is a list of warning signs that I posted for parents in an earlier blog.

I want to make it clear that knowing the warning signs of suicide can save lives, but it certainly is no guarantee. Hopefully, families that are faced with the suicide of a loved one can eventually find peace, and they need to know that this is not their fault.

Click here for more on Cayman Naib’s story.

This blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


August 15th, 2014

Williams, 63, who had been struggling with depression before his apparent suicide on Monday, told Terry Gross on the “Fresh Air” NPR radio show in 2006 that mania was something he imitated for characters he sometimes performed. But depression, he said, was more personal.

“Do I perform sometimes in a manic style? Yes,” Williams said. “Am I manic all the time? No. Do I get sad? Oh yeah. Does it hit me hard? Oh yeah.” Huffington Post

It is not a secret that Robin Williams has struggled with depression and substance abuse during his career. In recent years, he has talked openly about his struggles. With Robin Williams, I suspect that the humor hid a lot of the pain.

It is not certain why people get depressed, but there is some evidence that there may be a genetic tendency to inherit depression-especially bipolar depression from which he seems to have suffered.  This may have been the case with Williams, but we will never know. It has been described that he suffers from bipolar disorder and when depression strikes bipolar patients it is often worse than others. Depression is also associated with Parkinson’s disease from which it has been said he suffered.

The symptoms of depression usually involve sad or irritable moods, diminished interest or pleasure in activities, sleeping too much or too little, weight loss or gain, slowness or agitation in movement, and fatigue or loss of energy, as well as feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt, and a diminished ability to concentrate or make decisions. Depression can also lead to recurring thoughts of death and suicide. Anger, social withdrawal, and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness also commonly characterize depression. Depression does not discriminate – having fame and money is not an escape from this disease, and yes, depression is a disease.

In my opinion, depression is a symptom of unresolved inner conflicts, feelings of perplexity, and confusion about the environment and oneself and is also associated with a degree of genetic and biologic causation. Depression is a symptom that should lead loved ones and friends to try to understand what is truly troubling and driving the person they love to such despair. Patience and compassion are the keys!

Robin Williams was a wonderfully, funny actor who brought many a smile to millions of faces. For that, we will remember him!

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Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


July 31st, 2014

Being able to identify those at high risk for suicide is vital for prevention, but there is not currently a reliable way to predict this risk. Now, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, say they have found a chemical alteration in a gene linked to stress responses that could enable the creation of a blood test to predict a person’s risk of suicide consistently. (Medicalnewstoday.com)

In a press release today from John Hopkins University, researchers there say they have discovered a chemical alteration in a single human gene linked to stress reactions that, if confirmed in larger studies, could give doctors a simple blood test to reliably predict a person’s risk of attempting suicide. Researchers were able to predict who had experienced suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide just by looking at their blood. The experimental test was over 80% accurate.

When reading about a new study like this, we all get excited. This happened when it was announced that bipolar illness was linked with color blindness, or homosexuality (which was considered an illness until recently) was indicated by amygdala size. These types of simplistic correlations usually fade out or are quietly buried when further evidence is lacking or when contradictory evidence shows up. Suicide is a very complex topic having to do with cultural, subcultural, emotional, psychological and mostly unconscious strivings. While such reports whet my appetite for short-sighted simplistic solutions, I will wait on the sidelines before I order such a blood test. I will also remember the potential damage such announcements can have in light of the mistakes that can be made that raise hopes only to be followed by disappointment. Or becoming reliant on a simple blood test and ignoring the many other complex phenomena associated with a suicide evaluation. We should all support research in psychology, neuroscience and genetic biology, but let’s wait for any final blood test finality.

Link to the study.

Hashtags: #drpaul #drhenrypaul #henrypaulmd #whenkidsneedmeds #mentalhealthteens #suicide #suicidebloodtest #suicideJohnHopkins

Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.



March 29th, 2014

If you suspect that your teen might be depressed or contemplating suicide then you need to act right away. Here is a quick list of things to look for:

  • Always take seriously any mention or discussion of death, dying, suicide, self destruction or other evidence of morbid thinking that your teenager may manifest
  • Talk to your teen, listen, don’t lecture, express love and reassurance, and realize that suicidal ideation and depression are usually temporary and treatable states but probably need immediate professional intervention.
  • If you are worried that your teenager may be contemplating suicide, remove any weapons, pills, or other objects of substances in the house to which he or she may have access to achieving the act.
  • Get professional help immediately. Remember that depression is almost always indicated in suicidal teenagers and that a combination of “talk therapy” and medication can turn things around.
  • Get the numbers and/or websites of suicide hotlines both to report any fears or concerns you may have and to learn more about the likelihood of your teen carrying through any suicide attempt if you remain unsure.
  • Note changes in behavior mentioned previously (including dressing in black) and take them seriously. Engage your teen in conversation about what’s going on with him or her in his or her life and what he or she intends by the changes in dress or behavior you have noticed.
  • Don’t Judge. Family supportiveness is crucial. The point is always to get your teen to talk, not to lecture or try to persuade him or her out of feelings.
  • Be especially alert if your family has had a history of suicide or suicide attempts.
  • Understand that in a minority of cases, if the depression or other underlying reasons for your teen’s suicidal thoughts and/or behavior indicate it, your teen may need hospitalization and a combination of therapy and medication.
  •  The most important thing you can do if you think your child is suicidal is to explore the situation openly. If your child states that he has suicidal ideas or intentions or plans then an immediate mental health evaluation is necessary. Go to the nearest hospital emergency room or mental health crisis unit.

Check my February blogs on Suicide for more information, and certainly feel free to contact me.

Statistics of Suicide
The Warning Signs of Suicide
What to Do If You Feel Your Child Might Be Suicidally Depressed

Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


March 28th, 2014

Sadly, teen suicide once again takes front and center in the news. Suicide is never more devastating than when a teenager makes the decision to end his or her own life. Last Saturday, New York City School Chancellor Carmen Farina said that ten students in the New York City public school system had taken their own lives in the past seven weeks creating a “suicide epidemic” in our schools.

City Health Department stats are showing a rise in youth suicides, with suicide the third leading cause of death for New Yorkers ages 15 to 24. In 2010, 58 people in that age group took their lives. In 2011, the toll was up to 64, and in 2012,it reached 66.

So how worried do parents have to be that their own teens may make this terrible choice? This is frightening for parents, particularly when you hear the current numbers. Most teens of course never consider suicide, but if you are worried there are things you need to know and signs to watch for.

What you need to know is that there are many theories out there as to why teens commit suicide; focusing on stress and family turmoil; confusion, self-doubt, the impact of recent humiliations; and the effects of alcohol and drugs. Moving, feeling isolated, sexual or physical abuse, and divorce and family break-up have also been implicated as triggers. Family history may also play a role: teens with relatives who have committed suicide may be more likely to consider it themselves.

Perhaps, the most plausible overall reason for teenage suicide is only this: the teenager feels hopeless! This is often a symptom of major depression, as well as feeling caught in inner conflicts and/or environmental constraints or difficulties from which the teenager feels there is no escape. Because the most common psychiatric diagnosis associated with suicide is depression, it is crucial for parents to watch for symptoms that commonly indicate this condition. If your child is suffering from a recent onset of sad mood, irritability, withdrawal, eating or sleeping disorders, seems to have shown a marked decline in school performance, can’t concentrate, is fixating on a particularly painful experience of humiliation, or is afflicted by headaches of gastrointestinal complaints, regard it as an urgent “heads up.”

Often teens who are suicidal give verbal hints about suicide. “I cannot take it anymore” or “you’d be better off without me” are the kinds of warning statements a suicidal teenager often makes – warnings that are too frequently dismissed as evidence of passing adolescent mood swings. Also, talk of the afterlife, joining someone in heaven or dark and morbid interests and preoccupations. Also, dark music, internet searches having to do with death and/or suicide are red flags. Lastly writings or postings online are often warnings. Lastly a quick switch from depression to a good mood possibly associated with having “cleaned house” is a serious development.

If your teen has attempted suicide before, you need to be particularly alert: seek professional help right away.

I will follow-up with a blog tomorrow that deals with “What to Do.” Check out my February blogs on Suicide, too.  Certainly, if you have any questions, please email me.

Statistics of Suicide
The Warning Signs of Suicide
What to Do If You Feel Your Child Might Be Suicidally Depressed

CBS Local   Report: NYC Public Schools Have Seen 10 Student Suicides In 7 Weeks
New York Post  10 NYC schoolchildren have committed suicide in 2014


Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


February 18th, 2014

The most important thing you can do if you think your child is suicidal is to explore the situation openly.  If your child states that he has suicidal ideas or intentions or plans then an immediate mental health evaluation is necessary.

Unfortunately, things are not always that clear, so first ask yourself is my child or teenager depressed? If after a week or two, a sad mood does not budge or gets worse and signs of depression are present, be concerned.   Talk to your child openly about how he or she is feeling.  Include direct questions about suicide. Many parents mistakenly feel that by asking about suicide they will put it in a child’s mind.  This does not happen. It is important to know what your child is thinking and direct questioning is the best way to find out. You can ask directly about suicidal ideas, rehearsals, preparations, and the like. This can also be done by asking something like: Sometimes when we feel like this, thoughts of dying or wanting to take your own life can pop up. Has that ever happened to you? Further probing can include other questions like:

  •     Do you think about death?
  •     Do you feel like you want to disappear?
  •     Do you feel hopeless?
  •     Do you think about the afterlife?

It is also essential that you look for possible signs of preparation:  a note or other writing, a weapon, or hoarded medication.  Increased drug use is also a high risk sign

If, after open, kind, and compassionate questioning of your sad child, without lecturing or criticizing, you see no progress in the depression, and have little or no handle on understanding the situation, and see any signs of possible suicidal intent, then a mental health assessment is needed. No time should be wasted in getting professional attention.

Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


February 13th, 2014

Potentially suicidal young people frequently show warning signs. What follows is a list of some of the thoughts, feelings, and actions that could indicate that a young person is contemplating suicide. They range from internal, unexpressed thoughts, like wanting to die, to overt actions, like writing a note or collecting drugs or weapons.

  • Thoughts of death
  • Wanting to die
  • Prior suicide attempts/gestures
  • Feeling that the world would be better off if they were dead
  • Feeling useless and hopeless
  • Giving verbal hints about not being able to take it anymore
  • Writing about death
  • Getting absorbed in music, video sites, or activities stressing death or suicide
  • Talking of the afterlife
  • Dressing in black
  • Becoming absorbed in morbid subjects
  • Having an inappropriate burst of enthusiasm or cheerfulness after being depressed (this sometimes indicates that a person has decided to commit suicide)
  • Cleaning house and putting his/her things in order
  • Writing a suicide note
  • Buying books or researching modes of suicide
  • Idealizing celebrities who have committed suicide or died in other ways
  • Engaging in drunken driving
  • Accumulating weapons

If you see any of these signs you should be immediately concerned and contact a medical health professional right away.  In my next blog I will discuss having an open conversation with your sad/depressed child if you suspect that he or she might be contemplating suicide, but is not showing any clear signs like those listed above.

Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.


February 11th, 2014

Of course, suicide is always a worry when there is talk about depression.  While suicide is quite uncommon for younger children, we do see an increase starting at about nine years old.  By 13 to 14 years old, the rate of suicide increases and becomes the third highest cause of death for 10 to 24 year-olds. The rate of suicide under ten years old is about .8/100,000 children, it doubles in the 10 to 14 year old group but then increases to about 8/100,000 by 15 to 19 years old. Suicide attempts are often reported as accidents and are not reflected in the statistics — like the depressed teenager who crashes the car into a tree. About two thousand suicides in youngsters occur in the United States each year. There are about one hundred thousand world-wide. While depression is the main risk factor associated with youth suicide, other conditions also raise the risk:

·         Behavior disorders

·         Physical/sexual abuser

·         Severe anxiety

·         Eating disorders

·         Suicide in the family

·         Substance abuse

·         Being bullied

·         Family disruption

There are many triggers for suicide including being rejected socially or in a love relationship, school failure or expulsion, being caught by the police doing an antisocial act, feeling humiliated, being intoxicated, and experiencing family stress.  Hopelessness, often found in depressed youngsters, is one of the most indicative signs of a possible suicide attempt.

So where do antidepressants fit into adolescent/teen suicide? After some preliminary studies had come out from the FDA in 2003 and 2005 saying that there was an increased risk in suicidal thoughts in children, adolescents and young adults, parents became scared to have their child on any of these medications.  There was, and still is, a lot of information on the Internet to dissuade parents from using antidepressants, so I understand the fear.

Here’s how I see it.  When the studies came out, many psychiatrists, me included, spoke out nationally emphasizing that if, in fact, this was a risk, it was so rare that most of us had never seen it and that proper monitoring by the prescribing physician would, in all probability, be enough to ward off any tragedy.   Despite this, the new prescribing of antidepressants dropped markedly.  Tragically the suicide rate increased in teenagers.  No scientific correlation was made, but it seems that this was related to less use of the antidepressants which could have treated the depression and prevented the suicide.

The reality is that, if prescribed correctly under the guidance of an experienced psychiatrist, I do not think there is an increased risk of suicide.  Further studies about particular drugs with proper control groups will clarify this.   What I recommend is that parents do not withhold antidepressants on what we know so far, but parents should be cautious and make sure that their child is being monitored for every possible side effect.

Information contained in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice for individual conditions or treatment and does not substitute for a medical or psychiatric examination. A psychiatrist must make a determination about any treatment or prescription. Dr. Paul does not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this blog.